Friday, September 5, 2008

Grammie Atwood Visits

When Austin was 10 days old my mom came to visit and meet her newest grandbaby. She actually arrived from Chicago after visiting with my brother and sister-in-law and there new baby boy, Brayden James Atwood, who was born 1 week before Austin was. He is adorable, except he looks exactly like my brother, poor kid, Just Kidding:) He really is beautiful and the kids are excited to finally have a cousin on the Atwood side of the family.

Brayden Atwood

Mom was an amazing help, she spent time with the older kids and did lots of cooking and cleaning. I felt kind of like a slave driver except that she did it all without me even asking. We were truly blessed to have her here and we love and appreciate all of the hard work that she did on our behalf. The only thing that would have made her visit any better was if my dad could have been with her. We look forward to the next time they can both visit. The kids had a great time with Grammie. She always has presents of some kind for them, usually clothes and books, and they love to be able to read with her. She was also nice enough to treat the kids to a fun day at Jeepers, an indoor amusement park. They all had a blast. Jordan couldn't get enough of the bumper cars and Ashleigh was a great big sister and went on all of the rides with Jared. I enjoyed having mom here to visit with and I loved having all of those home cooked meals that I didn't have to cook. Thank you MOM!!

Ashleigh almost got sick they were spun so much on this ride.

Although we don't have very many pictures of mom with Austin, I know that she loved seeing him and he loved bonding with his Grammie. It was while she was here that we did "tummy-time" for the first time and he immediately rolled onto his back. We were shocked to say the least.

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