On Tuesday Aug 19th in the early morning hours our beloved cat Snoopy was hit by a car in front of our home. She was a member of our family for more than 11 years and we loved her like we love our kids. The kids loved her like a sister, they were always including her in their daily prayers.
From the moment she came into our home we knew that she was right where she belonged. She was taken out of her carrier and jumped up on Michael's lap and the two of them were the best of pals from that moment on. I remember many occasions when Snoopy would greet us as soon as we drove in the driveway and she would chase oranges around the yard as if she were a dog chasing a ball. We have lived in many different places and Snoopy was always very good to adjust to her new surroundings, as long as we were around she always would come home.
When we started having children we weren't sure how she would do with the babies, but she never did anything to harm the kids. She was the exact opposite, she loved them as much as they loved her. She would sit near them when they were babies as if she was protecting them from harm. She would watch TV with the kids. One day Ashleigh and Jordan were watching a video about baby animals and Snoopy sat right down and started watching with them, then she started trying to play with the animals that were on the TV. It was hysterical. While we lived in Texas we tried getting a dog, but Snoopy wanted no part of sharing her family with another animal. She was very territorial with other animals.
Ashleigh and Jordan w/Snoopy
Snoopy napping with Jared
Snoopy w/Austin
She was the most loving cat. As she got older she wanted to stay in the house more often and we would find her sleeping in the funniest places. She loved the back of our closet and we often found her in Ashleigh's room laying amongst her babydolls or stuffed animals. You could hardly tell she was there because she blended in with everything. When Michael would come home from work and set his bag on the bed and take off his shoes Snoopy would immediately curl up either on the bag or on top of his shoes. She also would curl up on the computer desk while Michael was working. She loved to be around all of us. She would curl up next to my legs at night to go to sleep and in the winter she would crawl under our covers and snuggle up to my feet. I'm not sure if she was trying to keep herself or me warm.
It was heartbreaking to loose her when she still had so much life to live, our family was very sad and we miss her very much. Snoopy was 12 years old and was a very small and friendly cat. She was immune to the noise of our household and she was very tolerant of any visitors that we had, especially children. When she had had enough she would just get up and go find a quiet place to lay, if that didn't work she would go under the bed to be alone.
We love and miss you Snoopy!!